by Matthew Price | Apr 4, 2013 | Tags: dismissal, blessing, public worship
The Dismissal consists of those acts of worship that send out people from the assembly to love and serve God and their neighbors in the world. It should retains the celebrative mood of the Eucharist and adds to it the sense of being sent forth. Like any meeting, whether formal or informal, the Dismissal contains acts of departure or going forth. So naturally, public worship, which has a beginning, must also have an ending....
by Donald P. Hustad | Apr 2, 2013 | Tags: church music, hymns, spiritual songs
The New Testament emphasizes both the human and the divine sources of song. Music flows from human experience, and it no doubt also affects that experience. James seem to suggest that it is most logically associated with the emotion of Christian joy {bible-hover James 5:13}. In Paul’s first letter to the Christians at Corinth, one verse (when read alone) seems to be saying that all musical worship should be equally emotional and cerebral {bible-hover 1 Corinthians 14:15}....
by Philip Peter | Mar 28, 2013 | Tags: hymns, praise, worship
The choosing of hymns relevant to worship requires thoughtful planning and creativity. Here are several principles of hymn selection and use that contribute to an enriched experience of worship....
by Brad Estep | Mar 26, 2013 | Tags: holiness, revival, Wesley
In 1784 John Wesley recognized the establishment of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America and attempted to offer guidance for its worship through the publication of his revision of The Book of Common Prayer. Wesley’s work was entitled The Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America and Other Occasional Services. Elements which survived Wesley’s abridgment of The Book of Common Prayer included morning and evening prayer, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, rites of ordination (for deacons, elders, and superintendents), the Psalms, the litany and collects, and Epistles and Gospels for the Lord’s Supper.In 1784 John Wesley recognized the establishment of......
by Nick Ittzes | Mar 21, 2013 | Tags: worship, team, statement
A key to building a united worship team is to have a clearly defined statement. This entry suggests ways to go about developing such a statement, including planning a retreat for this purpose. Start beforehand by asking the right questions of your pastor. Determine what goals the team will have in your church, and work to define team values....
by John Rempel | Mar 19, 2013 | Tags: Anabaptist, sacraments, worship
The Mennonite Church is heir to a radical Reformation understanding of the Lord’s Supper and baptism as ordinances, not sacraments. Mennonites, however, approach these ordinances with serious reverence because of their communal significance. Two dominant styles characterize the Mennonite approach to worship and these ordinances—charismatic and free form. The charismatic style emphasizes freedom of expression by worshipers and leaders. The free-form style emphasizes the use of a prototype of worship adapted for each week’s service....
by Worshipedia | Mar 14, 2013 | Tags: call to worship, responsive readings, antiphonal readings
A call to worship is directed to the people by God through the worship leader. It is an act that brings the worshiping community into being. The call to worship is directed toward the people. It is a call to focus mind, heart, and intention on the worship of God. Therefore, it is brief and emotive, not lengthy and intellectual....
by Wilson Benton, Jr. | Mar 12, 2013 | Tags: sola Scriptura, lectio continua, traditio accepto
The sermon remains central to worship in the Presbyterian Church in America, and selection of texts is determined by the minister’s choice rather than a church year lectionary. While it is customary to preach on seasonal topics at Christmas and Easter, freedom from mandatory observance of the Christian year continues to be stressed and no churches are known to follow it....
by Matthew Price | Mar 7, 2013 | Tags: anointing, sick, prayers
The act of anointing has a rich history in the Christian faith. In the Old Testament, anointings frequently accompanied blessings and ceremonies which indicated a passing of royal power. The New Testament also refers to anointing. The title Christ itself means “the anointed one”; Christians are those who share in Christ’s anointing....
by Gordon Smith | Mar 5, 2013 | Tags: corporate, worship, community
Corporate worship forms a community into the body of Christ and has great influence in shaping the spirituality of its members. Every worshiping community has a great responsibility for how this influence is wielded. Communities that take seriously their corporate worship life will find great benefits in the spiritual growth and vitality of individual members....