Tag: hymns

The Functions of Music in the Early Church

The New Testament emphasizes both the human and the divine sources of song. Music flows from human experience, and it no doubt also affects that experience. James seem to suggest that it is most logically associated with the emotion of Christian joy {bible-hover James 5:13}. In Paul’s first letter to the Christians at Corinth, one verse (when read alone) seems to be saying that all musical worship should be equally emotional and cerebral {bible-hover 1 Corinthians 14:15}....

Selecting Hymns for Worship

The choosing of hymns relevant to worship requires thoughtful planning and creativity. Here are several principles of hymn selection and use that contribute to an enriched experience of worship....

Christmas Worship Among the Great Hymns of our Faith

On a recent chilly morning as I walked home from my neighborhood coffee shop, I received a phone call from a friend who’s a worship pastor. With the holidays approaching, the conversation soon turned to Christmas....