Tag: Holiness

An Overview of Worship in the Church of the Nazarene

Although rooted in the Holiness tradition, Nazarene worship has been influenced in its historical development by the revivalistic approach to worship. Revivalism has been directed toward both initial salvation and complete sanctification. Recently Nazarene worship has been moving in two directions: one segment of the church is seeking to redeem its Wesleyan and Anglican roots while another segment is striving to displace the revivalistic form with a praise-and-worship style....

A Summary of Holiness Worship

In 1784 John Wesley recognized the establishment of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America and attempted to offer guidance for its worship through the publication of his revision of The Book of Common Prayer. Wesley’s work was entitled The Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America and Other Occasional Services. Elements which survived Wesley’s abridgment of The Book of Common Prayer included morning and evening prayer, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, rites of ordination (for deacons, elders, and superintendents), the Psalms, the litany and collects, and Epistles and Gospels for the Lord’s Supper.In 1784 John Wesley recognized the establishment of......

An Overview of Worship in the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana)

Worship in the Church of God draws on both the holiness and ecumenical traditions. There is a strong emphasis on the “altar call” for conversion and the use of the “public altar” during congregational prayer for healing of relationships and emotions. Currently worship is being influenced by both the praise-and-worship movement and liturgical renewal....